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 Gen Z content. Gen Z spirit. Gen Z run.

We have 55+ journalists, poets, photographers and artists who run and create the magazine, supported by Every Body is a Treasure Trust. We do the whole thing online with youth from Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland all the way down to Murihiku Southland.


The Latest Edition

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Subscribe to Create Happy Magazine!

As you will see, this magazine is free, but it does have a lot of costs and needs to run and create it.

So this is where you can help!

Can you help by providing your demographic information? We use and need this information for funding opportunities and reporting. It would also greatly help us in understanding the readership of CreateHappy and help with tailoring our content and articles. Your help would be highly appreciated. (We do not sell or pass on any personal information, so your privacy is safe)

Connect With Us


General - for general enquiries please contact:
Letters to the Editor - for letters to the editor please contact:


Find us on social media:

Instagram: @createhappymedia
TikTok: @createhappymedia
Facebook: @createhappymedia
LinkedIn: @createhappymagazine