Article Author: Zoe Dzapasi
Zoe studying a Bachelor of Health at the University of Victoria, Wellington. She is a TEDx speaker, entreprenuer, and our Assistant Editor at Create Happy. Her TEDx talk was titled ‘The crushing reality of black exceptionalism’ and speaks about the polarity in stereotypes of people of colour. She shares how she learned from classmates, teachers and institutions, she could be “good”, or “black”, but not both. “If you can only belong when you excel”, says Zoe, “you do not truly belong”. At 18, Zoe is a fierce advocate for her community, and part of the #blacklivesmatter movement in Aotearoa. Last year, she participated in the Strengthening Democracy Project, presenting a series of recommendations for a more just NZ democracy to the Prime Minister, Chief Justice, and Speaker of the House, where Zoe was specifically asked to present.